Jose Juan Gonzalez Jr

E-Shop Online

Looking to shop for your favorite electronics?

E-Shop Online

This project was an eCommerce personal project I built to gain firsthand experience using a MERN tech stack for frontend and backend practices.

The eCommerce site's data was built using a MongoDB database and Node.js/Express.js api routes. In cohesion with the frontend, there was JSON web tokens and HTTP-Only cookies utilized to provide authentication. The frontend was developed using React.js along with other apis and libraries such as bootstrap and PayPal API. The global state was managed using the Redux Toolkit.

Also it was my first project using TypeScript. I believe that TS's static type feature is extremely helpful in the development process.

Restaurant Rater

Let's find a review for that place nearby!

Restaurant Rater

The Restaurant Rater project is intended to be a clone site of a very popular review forum, Yelp. It is built using the PERN stack.

I specifically used PostgreSQL to steer away from document-oriented NoSQL databases. I plan to learn how to utilize cloud based storage products like AwS to deploy my projects to the web using PostgreSQL.

This project was the first project where I learned how to handle client requests and manage database operations.